The following question came up today from Trisha of :
You know, I really had to think hard and long. I'm not sure. I always loved show and tell in grade school. I'm a great story teller. Ask my daughter Julia. She'll name any subject and I have to tell her a bed time story off one name,color,item or subject. I've also always admired other peoples stories. Not sure how it all came about. Me, in this Blogger World. I've always loved taking pictures and with storytelling ,blogging just came about. Now it feels more like a Dear Diary of sorts. A little of my life unexpected. I now sell J.R. Watkins products yet trying to sell products comes secondary to actually blogging. I have to remind myself that I can promote a little on here as well. I find myself sharing links that I love. I adore Vintage prints so I'm always sending my blogging buddies to other sites for Free Vintage Printables

I share my daughter
Overall I blog to bring a little more life into the world. Plus,it's therapeutic when things get a little crazy with a teenage girl. Remember what it was like being 13? I'm reliving it. One blog at a time, one teenage girl at a time. I guess a goal of mine would be to able to one day- afford to purchase a great camera & blog full time until my next teenage adventure.