Showing posts with label Family Traditions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family Traditions. Show all posts

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Christmas in Williamsburg 300 Family Traditions

Wanted to share this beautiful book with lovely pictures. This explains the celebration of Christmas down through the centuries and how the holidays evolved in America. It also explains the re-enactments in Williamsburg, Virginia and how many tourists come each year to experience Christmas there. A few crafts and recipes are included.
It's always nice to read the history of Christmas traditions. Wouldn't it be nice for everyone to write and create  their own traditions book to share with children and the grandchildren? Do you have traditions or find yourself just getting through the holidays? Julia and I are at the point where we figure a pizza and movie is more our speed. We've been alone the past 2 Christmas',we've started our own Mommie and Me tradition. It's cheaper and drama free. 
We  do love going to Christmas service at Skyline Church. Worshipping, singing and counting all our blessings! 
Whatever traditions you follow and experience may you cherish those memories and write them down, pass them along ,starting your own traditions  book! 
Happy Holidays!