Thursday, June 6, 2013

Michael's Flower Stamp,Lunch bags & Taffeta Gift Bags

I've been holding on to these lunch bags for about a year acquired them from a yard sale last summer. Not really knowing what to do with them until last night when it came to me I would make them into little gift bags.

Here's a little "flower" cut out purchased at Michael's  .It's tiny and easy to use.
A small rool of "tan taffeta" purchased at a yard sale ,love the neutral coloring since it goes with anything.

Armed  with scissors and extra paper pieces - I was off to create one of a kind gift bags. Inexpensive ones at that!

Here's the finished product 

Pretty simple and basic! Easy on the eye and budget! 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Mod Podge Michael's Blank Book Markers

 I love Book Markers with modern technology I'm afraid they won't  be around in another 10 years. Feels like I'm creating collector items!What do you think?Please tell me I'm wrong!
 Well, I decided to try and create a few to sell at the local Farmers market for Julia's Summer Camp Fundraiser.

Here is the  simple and easy process:  

I began with blank book markers & my ultimate favorite "MOD PODGE"
Notice the book markers on sale! Yeah!  

Added a few supplies from other projects. It's really important to use as many "scrap" pieces as you can. I tend to "save" everything- you just never know when you are going to need it right?

To get my production line going- I mainly concentrated on "taping" my rooster tape on each book marker. You can use them on all for an overall uniform look or  make then totally orginal and only add the tape on a few markers.

It's pretty basic from here on end. This is a cute project for school age kids or even  for  a book club gathering. hey,that would be a great way to bond even designing them to match the theme of the book of the month!

I lined them up like little soldiers all neat and uniform.

Pretty colors! Add buttons or whatever scraps you can come up with.

Once dried they are ready to be packaged and ready for the Farmers market on Saturday!
 For more ideas visit  

Saturday, May 18, 2013

**FREE ViNTaGE DiGiTaL STaMPS**: Free Digital Stamp - Lady of Class

**FREE ViNTaGE DiGiTaL STaMPS**: Free Digital Stamp - Lady of Class: Free Digital Stamp Lady of upper class image... What a lovely handmade card this image  would make - add your own caption! ...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Skyline Church Random Pictures

Here are some random pictures taken at Skyline Church here in San Diego,CA

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Forbidden Fruit

I was cleaning out my memo pad on my phone and I came across this poem I wrote Feb 26,2013

Do you ever read something written by you and months later you wonder what was I thinking? Is it just me?

Forbidden Fruit

He majestically came without attention pulling me deeper into his spell.My drowning breathe awakened with the sound of his voice . Deep in his arms with one kiss on the cheek he gave love a face. Now alive awakened with the quiet dawn of newness. Calmed by the measure of his intention taking flight towards the us we seek. The road to heartache a struggling shelter demanding refuge. My heart plunging into murky waters of despair for vows stand before my existence. He the forbidden fruit I shall never taste.

The Madness of Rachel

Friday, May 3, 2013

Julia's Summer Camp Younique Virtual Party Fundraiser

Julia's Summer Camp
 Younique Virtual Party Fundraiser

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Rachel's Junk in the Trunk: Yard Sales 101: Lara Spencer’s Tips for Decorating...

With Spring time here more and more yards are upon us. I love staring at my Lara Spencer book. I orginally wrote about here:

Rachel's Junk in the Trunk: Yard Sales 101: Lara Spencer’s Tips for Decorating...:    Yard Sales 101: Lara Spencer’s Tips for Decorating on a Budget : It’s true Lara Spencer really does “Brake for Yard Sales”….

Are you planning on having a yardsale this Spring?

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Spring Time Flowers

Love Spring Time Flowers

Here are some random pictures of the Farmers Markets . Do you frequent Farmer Markets in your community?