Friday, May 27, 2022

10 Basic Steps to Organizing a Retreat

 10  Basic Steps to Organizing  a Retreat 

1. Announce to your participants you are planning a retreat. 

Email or Social Media Post - requesting 50% Upfront.

 Example: This is going out to the Ladies in my Monday and Thursday night small groups and if we have open spots that will be announced . Airbnb's want half the monies up front so if you are serious about going please have half the deposit via cash, check, money order, PayPal or Venmo by June 15th . This is NOT affiliated with church. This is a little getaway girl time. Note: No sales type AFFLIATIONS will be allowed. I went to one retreat years ago and they invited me only to try and sell me something. This is NOT that type of retreat. Just a light itinerary with fun, games, food and girl talk. I am trying to get a massage table for massages. LOL Only serious apply

2. Create a flyer with the basic information and deposit deadline. 

I use Canva for all my graphic designs 

3. Add form of payment: 

Either with  linking your info or screen shot. 

 Personal Checks can be mailed to Rachel Rose Mercantile P.O. Box 1009 Jamul, CA 91935

4. Collect monies with accurate records on who is attending and current account balances. 

Keep them informed. Plan a meet and greet if more than one group is merging together. 

5. Once monies is collected find an AIRBNB that will be accommodating while keeping travel cost to a minimum . 

Once you have confirmation send out a revised flyer with information detailing address along with check in and check out times. Share details of the facility while being open to answering questions. There may me physical limitations or general concerns. Discuss food and create a timeline of set breakfast, lunch and dinner. Share a tentative itinerary that could be subject to change. 

6. Prepare a master itinerary taking into account timelines and daily schedules. 

Give assignments to your guest of they are open to it. Nothing over bearing yet a lot people love to help however you are the ultimate decision maker. Create a budget outside the cost of lodging such as decorations, games, prizes, etc.

7.Create a TO DO list. 

 3 months prior.  One month prior. 2 weeks prior, a week before, night before and morning of the retreat. Think of food, decorations and another other money spending cost. 

8. Stay on Task 

Remember not to get overwhelmed with planning, peoples opinions, cancellations or the array of things that will come up. Stay in tune for the reason you are doing this. It has to come from a place of passion not a chore or burden. Are you the right person for this? What is your WHY? 

9. Collect all balance dues on account 

Very important you are not burdened with financial cost. Request all monies 2 weeks before the actual event. Do reminders so people are not  caught off guard. That's why its so important that you want only serious apply. You don't want too many Cancel Cathy's to distract you on an important event. Keep meticulous records to show your accountability partners. Go as far as creating a balance sheet to show where all monies is going. If you are charging for your services - include in your original retreat price. Be transparent so you get repeat customers. 

10. Keep a Binder 

Keep all contracts, documents and any records for the retreat in one easy binder or travel file folder. This is imperative so when you are hosting there is an ease of it all being together. Don't want to me Messy Mary or Disorganized Darla. You never know where this could lead. A larger venue or being hired to create a similar atmosphere for other organizations. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Garden Time

 Snapped a few pictures last night of my little garden. Spent most of the time pulling weeds. ๐Ÿ˜ฌMy body is feeling it this morning. Ugh. Funny how gardening 3 hours straight can fly by. There’s something about getting your hands dirty and being in your own little world. 

Now, I think I’m just going to create a peppermint farm because thats the only thing the rabbits didn’t eat. ๐Ÿ™„

They even eat all my succulents. Basically I created an edible farm for them ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘ฉ‍๐ŸŒพ

Enjoying the Pretties

Friday, February 18, 2022

Freebie Fridays


Every Friday Rachel Rose Mercantile Page has a free giveaway. Come check it out. 

Items from The Body Shop at Home, Avon, Young Living and more. 

Some Examples. 

Link here : Facebook page

Friday, February 4, 2022

My Money My Taking Back Control of your Financial Life by Kumiko Love


via The Budget Mom

her story 

Ordered extra My Money My Way books by Kimiko Love for friends. 

                                                              Link to purchase her book

Definitely worth the time to implement Miko's money principals. Its never too late or too soon. Breathe, sit and learn money management.  

Saturday, January 22, 2022

January 22, 2022- Saturday Declutter Crew Week 4 of January.

 Saturday Declutter Crew  

Week 4 of January. 

How do you feel now after being intentional or lets say mindful of your sleep/ bed surroundings? 

 Having a week left to finish up my 4 corners seems daunting, but I have to push myself or  I will get no where fast, right? 

Did you small wins in other areas? I know some in this group did little in their bedrooms yet accomplish more in other areas and that's wonderful. These exercises and suggestions are guidelines to eventually get around to your entire living space. 

This will get you thinking of where to remove and declutter certain high traffic areas. How about your closet in your bedroom? What does that look like for you? How many  different sizes of clothes do you have ? Have you heard of the the old trick where you place all hangers in the same direction. after wearing them and being laundered- put them the opposite direction so in 3 months you will see from the hanger direction which clothes you didn't wear once. Even do it every 6 months to cover your seasonal wardrobe. 

The end of January is coming near. Do you have a plan of attack for the last week discussing our bedrooms? Again, you are going to get out of this -  the time and effort you put into it. Have some reflection time and see what you want and can do this last week. 

Take pictures of what your bedroom looks like. What does it represent after 3 weeks? Three Saturdays. Was there effort? A desire? Too sick? Too tired? Too Busy? Totally unmotivated? You know what you are capable of. You know your desires and excuses. At times, we have to get out of our own way. And just do. 

May this week be better then last week. You got this. xoxo
