Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Avatar Girl

My daughter Julia has a way nicer phone then I will ever need or desire. She
was showing me what her phone can do when we came across creating an
Avatar.I jumped in with my creative juices flowing choosing an outfit,hair
color & style, clothes, purse even down to the skin color. I must not get
out much because I was so excited. Here she is.... Rachel in Avatar Fashion.
Wouldn't it be nice to be an avatar for even a day?


Unknown said...

Adore the Rachel avatar look, but LOVE the real Rachel look!!!!

Rachel Rose Mercantile said...

Oh thank you "Deep"! That just made my day!It's an Avatar day after all.

Alma said...

Nice ;-)

Anonymous said...

This is pretty cool

Alma said...

Nice! ;-)

Sarah @ Modern Country Style said...

Hi Rachel,

That is a pretty cool avatar but, honestly, I think you're inCREDibly pretty in real life. Your profile picture is gorgeous!


Sarah @ Modern Country Style said...

So....has Avatar Girl been up to anything interesting this week? She looks as though her life must be full of awesome things from that photo!!
