Sunday, June 9, 2013

What's your "Signature Series" Fashion Sense or Non sense?

How many of us people watch when sitting in a crowded venue, park or event?We definitely do it at gala award ceremonies or even company parties.Don't get me started at family gatherings when Uncle Bob  brings his flavor of the month -yes I try not to judge yet I'm prone to WHAT WAS SHE THINKING?There's children here! I know that is so wrong yet does it count if I keep it to myself?
Are you a skirt girl? Do you like above the knee,below? Ankle length? I find the older and heavier I am the longer the skirt. If toned would I be more incline to shorting the shirt?When was the last time you wore a skirt? Did it have to be a special occasion? I'm amazed how many woman dislike their knees.

Back in this era no need to worry about the knees. Can you imagine putting these dresses on today?

What about shoes? Do you have the same style you've worn for decades? I'm a firm believer to change your shoe style a few times  a year to symbolize "walking" into a new season. What season are you walking?

Do you have favorite ring or just a wedding ring? I've worn thumb rings for over 20 years now. They are my "SIGNATURE SERIES" a part of my style- I will never change. Do you have a style that is your signature series?

Are you wearing the same make up colors and style from yesteryear? Try changing it up a bit by adding a different color. Start slow with a darker shade of eyeshadow even just adding water to your existing eyeshadow adds a more vibrant color.

When was the last time you wore a dress? Make it a point to play dress up once a month add it to a date night .Unless your very single, like myself, wear  a dress visiting  your local Starbucks, book store or church. Ladies take note, I didn't say at a Taco Tuesday bar night or  while attending your loosey goosey cousins house party. I'm just saying.

Are you a hat girl? Remember to wear a hat outside!Regardless of your age!It doesn't have to be this little number yet something that makes you have good hat hair.   

Casual pants in the summer are cooling . Ladies make sure they are comfortable and the right size.  

Dress up or with casual flats look clean and crisp.

Can you imagine what was going on her head in the summer heat? Wearing gloves to boot! Awe the horror!

Kate could still rock this while pregnant. Where were all the cute  maternity clothes 15 years ago?  

Awe this is contemporary!

Very Presidential!

Carefree and Strong bold colors!

Awe, another too hot to wear out in the fields attire. Even the baby looks miserable!

Love this casual loose look too bad her television doesn't have cable! No wonder she looks so sad!

Here's my "Signature Series" What is yours? if you don't have one create one. Reinvent yourself starting today or next paycheck. Visit yard sales or Goodwill or invite friends over for a Clothes Swap Party'! Hey now that's an idea!  

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