Saturday, January 15, 2022

January 15, 2022- Saturday Declutter Crew Week 2 of January.

 Half way through the month and how do you feel? Defeated? Positive? Discouraged ? Motivated? Wherever you are at , it’s your path, your way. However, like anything in life, you are going to get out of this project, what you put into it. You could start in any room of your house, yet take note of which room we are in, as you know, January is bedroom month.

Have you made any progress? For me, I am more mindful of my sleeping area. I feel good that I’ve kept it relatively clean and organized. The next 2 weeks I am concentrating on my 360 degree view of my room. All 4 corners. My bedroom square. I have so many boxes to get rid of. About 10 banker boxes of crafts and body shop products, from vendor shows and my Friday Freebies. Lots of misc items that I have to part with or start using. It’s not easy getting rid of things. I’m always thinking I’ll use it someday. But then years go by. In fact, how many years have you been in the bedroom you are in currently? For me, 2.5 years. Yet, a few months is enough time to collect and store too many items. I can imagine for those who have lived such a longer time in their bedrooms. Do you have things longer than 5 years? 10 years? If so, what is it and why? Are they sentimental items? Or you love routine and want things to be the same? Try changing something, we’ll anything this week. See the shift, be the shift. Do something simple or do something daring. 

Just do something DIFFERENT. 

Let me know how it goes. 

Change it up. 

Work on the four corners of your bedroom in the next 2 weeks. 



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