Saturday, January 8, 2022

January 9, 2022- Saturday Declutter Crew Week 1 of January.

 Week 2 of January. 

Still wondering how to start organizing  when you don’t want to start in your bedroom or think you can’t change your behavior of messiness or being a clutter bug or even a bit hoarder -like ? 

When you go to sleep tonight. Lay down and look around. Do you see things that really don’t belong within 3 feet of your pillow? What surrounds you? What would you WANT to change? Are you comfortable where you sleep? What would a visitor think of your bedroom? How hard would it be to set an alarm for 30 minutes to change a few things?Even 15 minutes a day until it feels like it represents a sanctuary to sleep, read and dream.

What was your bedroom like as a child?  Do you recall  your earliest bedroom memory? Mine was a Princess bedroom set with every piece of furniture matching. It had a pretty canopy - Victorian like. It is so opposite of what I slept in now. 

Does your bedroom have a theme? Does it represent your style ? What would you change? What would you keep? 

This second week be intentional of doing SOMETHING different in your bedroom .

Jot down 3 things you want to change.  Then give yourself a week to do the change. If you can’t do this - what is stopping you ? 

Be intentional and focused. 



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