Wednesday, June 15, 2016

A Bird. A Plate and Candlestick Holder Ideas -EASY AS 1-2-3

A dear friend, Cindy brought a gift to class. It was wrapped so pretty I almost didn't want to open it!

Cindy explained she saw something similar at a vendor show and knew she could go home and make it.

With a desire, talent and few materials, Cindy made an adorable decoration.

Isn't it beautiful! Love it!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

The Homespun Hydrangea Fairy Garden Drawer Upcycle via Sunny Simple Life


Visited  The Homespun Hydrangea Fairy Garden Drawer Upcycle

via  Sunny Simple Life

Sue found my camper at a local shop, but you can find a similar one on Amazon here!

Here is what you will need to make your fairy garden in a drawer:– Old drawer
– Drill
– Miniature plants (I love celosia, coleus, dusty miller, and other small scale annuals)
– Stones
– Dirt
– Accessories of choice

Click here to learn more: The Home Spun Hydrangea

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Portion Control Weight Loss Tips

The 3 P's
Pray more.  Portion Control. Physically move.
My pretty cups, from The Pioneer Woman Collection   remind me of portion control. It actually helps. Do you have a changed my eating habits tip?

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

My all so Random Life in Pictures

The clouds over Ace Self Storage 

    Julia at Skyline Church enjoying a lavender steamer from the Skyline Church Cafe. 

 Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst 

Skyline Church Pretties 

More Ace Self Storage 

Worship time 

Closing up Shop at Church 
Julia's Mexicali Missions Trip 2016 
The Cross on the Mountain of Skyline Church

My Apartment Garden 

Thank you for taking a look at my random pictures! 
God Bless! 

Saturday, March 19, 2016

The Pioneer Woman Measuring Cups - Ree Drummond

Went to Walmart the other night to look for last minute supplies for Julia's Mexicali Trip. Passing by the kitchen area , I came across the cutest measuring cups ever!
via The Pioneer Woman

 via The Pioneer Facebook Page

Is it wrong to now want to change my whole kitchen color scheme to match these adorable cups? 

Monday, March 7, 2016

3 free things that will get you on track to lose weight

1. Take the stairs 

The first main thing that you can change is to say, I will never take an elevator again.Unless your in a ridiculously tall high rise,choose the stairs whenever possible. Makes sense right?Yet, at times we get caught up on rushing through our day. Make an effort to take stairs to get your heart rate moving and add a little skip to your step!

2. Park your vehicle farther 
This can be achieved anywhere you go along as you think safety first. Walking gives us such healthy benefits we tend to ignore wanting only fast and convenient . Incorporate more and more walking throughout your day. Take a walk on your break, on lunch on your day off. Ask a friends or co-workers to join you. Start a walking club!

3. Put on your favorite music
This is easier said then done. Like for me, its hard to get into the fun festive mood for dancing when I work 2 jobs, lead a slim down class and basically tired when I get home. Plus feel a little odd dancing in front of my teenager. I'm afraid it  would get me "the look" you now that teenager "look"! Well, find the best time for you, turn up the volume and start swaying. Little side by side steps will be great. A unique dance routine would be even better. You just have to get moving. Who knows maybe you can join a gym, support group or take a dance class at the local adult center. Just get moving! 

These are just 3 simple steps to re-wire your brain patterns and get moving! 

Any suggestions you'd like to add to my list? Feel free and let me know! 
I like baby steps. 


Sunday, March 6, 2016

$1.00 Seedlings....Apartment Garden from Target

 I've always had a garden. I remember watching my Mother as a young girl,tend to her garden and knew when I was older, I would have my very own. This is the first season I've planted seedlings in egg shells. They are so cute!

They almost reminded me of dinosaurs hatching. Not sure why.

I'm very limited  with space on my balcony so I try to use some self control when I go to Target to buy my garden supplies. I live right across the street from a Target. Scary, I know. I buy the seeds from the $1.00 section and splurge on the actual seed packets when I can. If it's not in the budget a month ahead of time-it's a no go. I must use this self-discipline or my place would like a straight jungle and people would start calling me Jane. Seriously.

Tomatoes are coming out. This little sighting but a little skip to my step. 

My holiday tree dressed up for Spring. My daughter,Julia made the paper dress. She found the how to and whipped out a few! They are adorable!

I'm experimenting with this class container to see if Roses will bloom.

This is my Target on a budget Garden. What are you planting this season?