Thursday, May 2, 2019

Dating My Self Day One

Dating Myself Day One

Dating Myself Day One
Ok, today on this Day One of 100 I decide to take myself to lunch. I didnt want to appear as a cheap date so I splurged on a 3 mini taco combination with a beverage. Yup, went all out out! I even walked on this special occasion yet got stressed out over the stop lights only giving 5 seconds to gallop through the crosswalk like an fancy throughbred of a distinguished pedigree. Why does it feel like everyone is staring at you while your speed walking through the intersection? I wore my fancy new shoes on this special date. Overall had a nice time. I wanted dessert but didnt want to appear too hungry on the first date. Didn't want my date thinking I was always hungry. Or how I am always thinking of food.  I'm definitely not I'll just have a salad or a sliver of kale girl. I'm more of a meat and potatoes and carnitas girl. 🤷‍♀️
Dating Myself Day One
Ok, today on this Day One of 100 I decide to take myself to lunch. I didnt want to appear as a cheap date so I splurged on a 3 mini taco combination with a beverage. Yup, went all out out! I even walked on this special occasion yet got stressed out over the stop lights only giving 5 seconds to gallop through the crosswalk like an fancy throughbred of a distinguished pedigree. Why does it feel like everyone is staring at you while your speed walking through the intersection? I wore my fancy new shoes on this special date. Overall had a nice time. I wanted dessert but didnt want to appear too hungry on the first date. Didn't want my date thinking I was always hungry. Or how I am always thinking of food. I'm  I'm definitely not I'll just have a salad or a sliver of kale girl. I'm more of a meat and potatoes and carnitas girl. 🤷‍♀️
With all the said, dating yourself is seeing yourself the way others see you. Positive word affirmations . Knowing and feeling something sweet and good about yourself. I accepted the  assignment by Jill Oncall , well the challenge because it's hard to see yourself through the eyes of friends and loved ones.
My positives  thoughts today on this first date with myself is:
I have tiny feet , size 5 and they look cute in shoes . My friends tell me that all the time.
Let's see, wow this is harder than I thought.
I have good table manners in a social setting.
There you have it. I'm sure this will get easier as the weeks go by. My head goes with the whole prideful thing. It's a conditioning thing,right? Easier to compliment others than ourselves. I think we all need to work on this!



Saturday, January 26, 2019

Finding Peace

Tell me what best describes you finding peace. Having peace?

What about being intentional ? How does that fit into your daily ritual? Your routine?

Friday, October 12, 2018

Weather Change - Merry Christmas !

I totally noticed the weather change. So yeah, Merry Christmas everyone. 🤣😂🤣🌲

Goodwill find to sobbing at the side of the road

I'm just driving along after finding a few blouses at Goodwill. My small group doesn't start till 6:30pm so I'm being adventurous and driving without Google maps 🤣Which I never do.  Not sure where I am or where I'm going.

 Then I see an area that looks familiar.Then, it happens, I pass by my Evie Heys's  old condo. I see it and immediatly start  to cry. To the point I  have to pull over and get a grip. I miss her.😭

 Don't get me wrong, God has blessed me with so many rich friendships, mentorships, an amazing accountability partner and  Sisters in Christ since she passed away. Yet.There was just one Evie. She was the first person I opened up to and trusted enough to tell my story at church. She made me still feel loved and didn't judge. She got me. She was my best friend. I miss her and her cute outfits. 💔

Life Motivators that make me laugh and smile