Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The Maxwell Leadership Bible

Doing a little nighttime reading. Reviewing The Maxwell leadership Bible. It's lessons in leadership from the word of God by John C Maxwell. My daughter Julia gave me this Bible a few years ago and I still read it to this day.
Right now I am perusing page 67, on when God chooses a Leader.

It reveals how Moses provided a great case study on how God calls a Leader out of a crowd to perform an assignment.
Here are 8 key components:
1. He gives a leader an emotional investment in the work.
2. God affirms leaders through others.
3. God gives the leaders mentors.
4. God builds on leaders strength,experiences and background .
5. God often refines the leaders character in obscurity.
6 God instilled in the Leader the value of hard work .
7. God sustains that leader with the powerful vision.
And lastly 8. God brings others along side the leader to compensate for their weaknesses.
Pretty good stuff, right?
Are you in any form of Leadership?
If so, In what capacity ?

What night time reading 📖 is on your night stand?

Monday, July 31, 2017

The Pioneer Woman Greek Flavors

Yet, must settle next door for this🤣😂

What are your favorite Greek dishes or places? 


Check out this amazing find from Etsy.com: plexus Business Card, New slim, Pink Drink, Pink Drink Update, plexus Swag

I found this on Etsy and wanted to share it with you.
I sell Plexus and saw these really pretty cards. 
Etsy has just about everything ! 

plexus Business Card, New slim, Pink Drink, Pink Drink Update, plexus Swag


Etsy is a marketplace where people around the world connect to buy and sell unique goods.

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Charity Sparrow

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Sunday, July 16, 2017

The Turquoise Table by Kristen Schell

I am so excited that I finally added this book to my budget . The Turquoise Table by Kristen Schell . It's based on finding community and connection in your own front yard .

Whats really neat is the recipes and cute pictures. 

Spicy Pecans 

Kristen Schell was consumed with a busy life and she was not sure how to slow down. She  had a desire to connect with her community . Her book gives the step-by-step on how to  accomplish  stress-free ideas for kick-starting your own turquoise table simple. Plus, recipes to take outside and share with others. Stories from people using turquoise tables in their neighborhoods . Giving  encouragement to overcome barriers that may keep you from connecting . Pondering new ways to view hospitality.

It's amazing how community and friendship are waiting  just outside our front doors . Today  turquoise tables are inviting individuals to connect with each other and nearly all 50 states and in seven countries. Ordinary people like us wanted to make a difference right where we live.

I love this book cover , love the color it's so eye-catching . The  contents is  full of amazing ideas to find a sense of commonality , in your own home. I'm so happy I placed purchasing the book into my monthly budget. You will not be disappointed! 


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Sunday, June 11, 2017

Walmart Instant Photo Kiosk Booth for Quick Collages

 Did you know you can go to most Walmart's with a photo center and print your own pictures on the spot? The kiosk looks a little intimating yet can be easily understood after a few backspaces.

The variety of cords can be plugged in to pretty much any device you have. I used my phone. 
You do have to ask the salesperson  for help if you don't have one handy. 

You can edit and choose and size photo.  The main sizes were 4 x 6 and 5 x 7 I found the 8 x 10 had to be retrieved at the PICK UP area.

                                                       Waiting for my 8 x 10 picture

A new bible can act as a guest book. The ones with blank lines work best. Add an array of colorful pens,markers and  highlighters.

A new bible can act as a guest book of sorts.

The Finished Product 

A quick fun and festive collage. The possibilities are endless. 

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Rachel Tries Plexus 06/01/2017

My friend Lauren has been using Plexus for about 8 months now. I decided to give it a try. I posted this photo on my FaceBook page and have gotten mixed reviews. Have you heard or tried Plexus?

If not, check out the website and let me know❤️
via Rachel Trys Plexus

Friday, January 27, 2017

Sunny Simple Life: Weight Loss Update - Down 3.4 lbs.

Oh my goodness another great write up from Elaine.
 Click the link below to visit her website.

I am so happy as the Loseit.com program is not only easy but is working so well so far. I am down 3.4 pounds since Monday. I think this system is similar to Weight Watchers but I wanted to do this free version.
free Weight Watchers
The tracking of my food really shows where you are spending your calories. I really like this part of it and have been using my extra calories at the end of the day on dark chocolate or hot chocolate. This is great because I have not felt deprived at all. The test will be today as my youngest wants to have McDonald's as a treat for lunch today so I will see what a chicken sandwich comes to. I will probably have to skip the fries but I am motivated so I think that will be easy at this point.

According to the site, this is normal for the first week because my goal is only 1/2 pound per week so I am sure it will start slowing down. I have been eating a lot of homemade vegetable soup. Very filling and also healthy. I happen to be very sensitive to sodium so I cannot tolerate canned soups.

Taco salad was dinner and lunch for two of the meals. The Greek yogurt dressings are so tasty but I use only a tablespoon and then fill in the some extra splashes of red wine vinegar. I could not find the ground turkey equivalent on the website so I looked it up so I could register my calories. The measurements are below.
4 oz ground turkey or beef = 1/2 cup

I have not exercised a whole lot outside of walks with the dogs and 5 - 10 minutes of a workout video on YouTube daily. What can I say I am working my way up. I have to baby my left knee. But I feel better, not sure why but I already do. Maybe it is mental. No one loves food and sweets like me so if I can do, anyone can so let me know if you try this program to lose weight.

See the first post as I began this menopause weight loss journey.
Click here :
Sunny Simple Life: Weight Loss Update - Down 3.4 lbs.

Menopause and Weight Gain

Elaine from Sunny Simple Life shares her story. Love reading the personal journey she so openly shares. 

From Elaine: 

Now, I don't normally get too personal on here but folks I am going to take a chance and share some of my journey through menopause and especially to start, menopause and weight gain. UGH! Can I just say that without eating extra, my body has decided, because of my hormones to pack on some weight.

gaining weight, menopause, hormones

It is my fault. I should have got serious and really cut my calories when it started but hey I was just looking to survive what was happening to me. The ups the downs, the hot flashes, the sadness I was feeling. If you have been there, you know. Well, after my physical a couple of months ago, I was told I was now officially in menopause at the age of 49. I know it may seem early but if I remmeber correctly it was about that age for my mom.

For now, I have to say I feel I am coming out of the wilderness. My moods have stabilized, my hot flashes for now are gone but will probably come back, but this weight gain! I have to do something about this. I am not happy and I know it is not healthy so I am vowing to tackle it. I mean I had a baby in my 40s and lost all the weight and more but now it is all back baby.

So I am going to share my journey, what I am trying and what is and isn't working. I am hoping this accountability will maybe help me to stay on track but also to maybe help someone else as I am the first of my girlfriends, that are my age to go through menopause.

This week I have started to really monitor my diet. I had thought of Weight Watchers but I am trying to lose weight frugally and am trying something that I used in the past that worked well for me. Loseit.com is a program that you choose a goal, for me 20 pounds, how much you want to lose per week and then helps you track your food and calories as you try and stay in the allotment they have given you. I like it because it helps you to see really how fattening and caloric certain things are. Just cooking my egg and not using butter saves you a lot of calories.

I am down almost a half a pound this week and that is nothing, but to see the tiny decrease in my graph already encourages me. I think the biggest thing mentally about menopause and gaining weight, is not beating myself up mentally over this. It happens to every woman and there is no shame in this. My husband still feels the same, I am the same person, I have done nothing wrong, it is what it is. But for my health and the fact that I have an eight year old, I CHOOSE to work harder. So join me or comment and let me know what has helped you cause I can use all the good advice I can get.

I want to also vlog this for my Youtube channel, but I have had a family member who is very ill this week and the worry that has been on my heart is so heavy I just can't yet. But, I am trying to keep busy and keep my mind busy as I feel so helpless and this is a good outlet for me and a safe space I can keep busy at. That and taking care of my family.

So let me know what you think about my sharing this. Perhaps no one is interested but I know I have been searching online for info since this journey and stage began. Thanks friends for being here!!

Click her name to visit her blog sight ❤️

Monday, December 19, 2016

My Daughters 18th Birthday Wishes

Happy 18th Birthday Julia Gonzalez

I have many times failed to be the Mom I pictured myself to be. I always wanted more for you.


 Watching you grow into a strong, grateful, independent, smart and loving child of God has been amazing to watch. 

I've realized being your Momma is a precious gift that daily humbles me. Every fiber of my being is grateful for having you in my life these past 18 years.Adulting is hard and can be scarey. The world can be a scarey place. 

Yet, I am confident you will continue to communicate with me on matters of the heart. Matters of right and wrong decisions. Matters of school, tattoos, boys, budgeting & money . Continue finding your true calling in life. Never stop learning. Continue going on Missionary trips. Continue serving an amazing God. 

Always find a bible based church to worship. Don't be a part of  the high percentage of Young Adults who don't hold steadfast to their faith.

 Continue to invite people to church. You invited me and I've never been the same.Thank you for the most amazing invitation of my life. 

Always find fun coffee shops ☕to study in and have wonderful friends to hang out with. Continue to crank up the stereo and sing your heart out to Adele. 

Continue  acting  like a Lady and dressing like one. Don't show your groceries in public and dance  like people are watching. I never liked the saying dance like no one is watching. Awe, their watching. If they start throwing dollar bills you've gone too far.💃😳😜😂

I will always pray for your future Husband.May he  love God first and may you have a lifetime of praying together. He is out there somewhere probably waiting for you to learn to cook. With your love of pasta and pizza lets hope he's Italian. 🍴🍕🍝😂👫

Dont do drugs. Dont drink. You come from a line of alcoholics. We only think we are the life of the party. Be sober. Be THAT girl. 

Continue having a big heart and never stop reading  your bible.  

I love you more than chocolate. Actually more than SEE's Candy Chocolate!!! Those are so yummy. 

Happy 18th Birthday My Julia Rose. I love you with every fiber of my being. 
Momma Rachel ❤❤❤🎂💃

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Trip to Walmart for $7.78 pants

Julia and I took a trip to Walmart last night. I just wanna say ... When Julia refused to buy a bag. It warmed my heart. 😂😂😂😂💃She looked at the checker straight in the eyes and said no thank you I will carry them out. ❤❤❤😂 By the way, I'm so grateful my $7.78 stretch fabric, sits below the waist, slim through hip & thigh boot leg opening pants FIT!!!  Singing praises and thankfulness! Glory to God for rejoicing in the little things. ❤

Thursday, December 1, 2016

December 1, 2016 - Blog Memories

With Julia going to a movie tonight with friends, I decided to hang out at Starbucks so I could check out my poor neglected blog. I work so much and without internet at home, I find myself putting off writing. Blogging  was my passion for many years. I look back at pictures and post of yesteryear and wonder where did the time go, I will be 53 this month and Julia 18. Yes 18 . Her college applications are not only tightening our wallets yet flooding my thoughts with memories . She has been my constant companion on this road to Single parenthood. It has not been easy yet my life changed for the better. Now there will be new memories of having a young adult in college. Good grief I'm not ready. Are we ever ready for another life change? They say change is good.  Adulting is hard. Its as if every time I blink another year passes. Next month will be 2017. Are you ready? I think I  need some chocolate. 

Christmas Home Tour 2016

via Christmas Home Tour 2016

Visited Living in Yellow Blog this evening. Adorable pictures!!!Click here

Crisp clean color and lines. 

Love hanging stockings 

Rustic charm 

Thursday, October 6, 2016

10 quick clean up tips to make housework no big deal - A Fresh Start on a Budget

Are you feeling the stress of the Holidays? Cleaning for guest? Family from out of town. Thinking of a budget? How do you spend money on the holidays? Do you use credit cards? No gift giving? Make home made gifts?

Here are some ideas for the budget conscience & clean up tips:

                         10 quick clean up tips to make housework no big deal - A Fresh Start on a Budget

via The Budget Mama  

via The Finance Girl


Monday, September 26, 2016

If You're On the Fence About Your Vote, This Pastor Clarifies How the Very Future of America Is At Stake

   Great article written by our Pastor Dr. Jim Garlow at Skyline Church, San Diego, CA. It is an amazing, articulate and thought out article.  It has reached over a million views. I want to help spread the word.  

 Click here:   If You're On the Fence About Your Vote, This Pastor Clarifies How the Very Future of America Is At Stake. 

Sunday, September 18, 2016

The Welcome Mat from Target

A few months back I attended an amazing Women's Retreat at the Pine Valley Bible Center. It was an unforgettable experience. I actually took home a few of my coloring projects. Couldn't remember the last time I colored let alone colored in a group setting.  
Well, yesterday at Target I found the perfect decor to match. A floor mat for just $9.08! Love a bargain!
Look! Sweet, right? Now to decorate to bring this theme together. The creative juices are flowing. What project are you working on?   

Sunday, August 14, 2016

It's so FUN to make cards and swap them with other card makers! via Free Vintage Digi Stamps


It's so FUN to make cards and swap them with other card makers!
How do you sign-up? Just mail your cards or drop them off at The Paper Collage store if you are local to the Phoenix, AZ area. There is no cost to participate.
The theme this month is: Victorian
What is your interpretation of Victorian? Classic, romantic, frilly, lots of lace, vintage, etc.
Create SIX themed cards {the same or all different} and drop them off by the deadline {Wednesday, August 31st}. You will receive FIVE cards back {swapped & mailed out on Tuesday, Sept. 6th} - one of your cards will be donated to a non-profit charity/organization who will LOVE and cherish your card forever! ♥
Size doesn't matter...you can make an A2 or A6, ANY size! Be sure to include an envelope with each card too!
Your cards can be stamped, embossed, colored, layered, artsy, cute, whimsy, mixed media-style, or apply any technique you can think of! Be sure to include at least TWO layers {including the card base} and at least ONE embellishment.
Place them in a clear baggie with your name written on the baggie and drop them off or mail them to The Paper Collage {address below}. You can pick-up your swap anytime after Tuesday, Sept. 6th.
If you are out of the area, you can still participate! You can mail in your cards and include a self-addressed stamped mailer with the same amount of postage. It's FUN to receive HAPPY MAIL!
IF you are mailing them: 
The Paper Collage Victorian Card Swap
13576 W. Camino Del Sol, #4 
Sun City West, AZ 85375
We can't wait to see your FABULOUS creations!